Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another new baby goat!! I think I had a heart attack when this one was born because we had to pull it out. He was born at 10:30am today exactly and he's a boy and he's called Asha. When he was born he was in the wrong postion and so instead of his head coming out first his front feet tried to so I had to go get dad to help. Thats when I had the heart attack, running to get dad so the baby wouldn't die. After he came we repositioned it and pulled it out. It was also pouring and flooding so the baby took a while to stand up but it's all good now!! :-) heres a pic... Rem :-)
(sorry if I went into details there but I'm using this as my journal also so I can remember when the baby goats were born. :-)


  1. Cute!!!!
    Is there any particular reason why you called him Asha?
    He's adorable :]

  2. Hi Zala!
    No there's no particular reason I just liked the name. :-)

    Thanx for commenting :-)

    Rem :-)
