Wednesday, March 31, 2010

best thing on bb this term:

I don't think the I have done anything really good on BlackBoard this term but if I had to choose I would pick the blog because it is fun and it is much better than writing down everything in a booklet learning journal. :-)

Signing off

Monday, March 29, 2010

pregnant guinea pig

My guinea pig Vampire is pregnant, she is due to have the babies around about next week! I'll send some pics when they're born. The only problem is that next week I'm going to Easter Camp 2010!! I hope that Vamp won't have the babies until I come back - and the week that I come back from Easter Camp is also the week that some of my brother's friends are coming to our house for a week so that's going to be busy! This is a pic of Vamp now - she doesn't look that fat because of her hair but really she's as wide as she is long!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rain! :(

Sup Blog,

It bucketed down with rain today and there was HUGE waves in the sea. We almost went kayaking but we decided not to because the waves had gone down heaps. Me and Tasman had to go to the mailboat but luckily it stopped raining just before we went down. There were actually people on the mailboat roof! It was amazing because it was really cold and it looked like it was going to rain again.

Signing off

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hi, here's a picture of one of my sketches.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Twig ate some more raw fish today!!! Which is weird because she's a 5 month old goat! This time it was raw groper liver! She's normally a vegetarian but she just loves raw fish and you have to literally drag her away from it when she starts! Here's a picture of Twig before she ate the fish - I didn't do one after because of the blood dripping down her chin and her breath smelling like fish :/ Twig also likes kayaking with me and swimming in the sea. Her ears are always like that - it's cute but she is the weirdest goat I have ever known.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

goal for this year

A goal for this year is that I'm not going to read more than 4 hours a day. That's really hard for me because I read more like six hours a day - I read while walking, eating, sitting, standing, etc. So I'm not sure it'll work but I'm going to try it!

Signing off,

Monday, March 15, 2010

First Post!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Blog,
Nothing is happening right now. Windsurfing is good and we bought another old board on trade-me plus two sails plus a mast plus a wishbone for $23.50!! They're old but still in good shape. It'll be fun sailing that one with our old one.
Learning experiences, hm, ok, none so far but I learned that it takes at least a week to send maths from Wellington to here. :P
That's all,
Rem, signing off