Wednesday, March 17, 2010

goal for this year

A goal for this year is that I'm not going to read more than 4 hours a day. That's really hard for me because I read more like six hours a day - I read while walking, eating, sitting, standing, etc. So I'm not sure it'll work but I'm going to try it!

Signing off,


  1. I was slightly surprised by this goal, I thought you meant you were gonna try to read more the first time I read it, not less! Also, have you noticed that your text for this post is black, the same as your background? The only way I managed to read this was by selecting the entire post!

  2. why do you want to read less?

  3. oops! I was wondering why I couldn't see it! I'll try to edit it after this.
    I want to read less because I read too much and it's starting to get in the way of things, it's kind of like I'm addicted to reading and I gotta try break the habit!
    Thanks for the comments guys!:-)
    Rem :-)
