Friday, September 24, 2010

end of term reflection (WHICH MEANS THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING!!!!!)

Choosing my own topic for the Inquiry Investigation was cool because it meant I could choose something that interested me and not just something random that I had no connection or interest in. So that was cool.
The presentation tool that I used for that unit was Glogster, a web 2.0 tool. I didn't have enough time to try out any other tools because they took too long to load, but I would have liked to look at some others. I chose Glogster because it's quite easy to add sound and pictures onto the screen and you can rearrange things to where you put them by clicking and dragging.
Seeing other people's work has brought me to understand how different everybody sees the same thing and what they make it into was really interesting.
Doing my reasearch was fun and I learned a lot about my topic. Unfortunately I couldn't use Google Wonderwheel as we didn't have it installed on our computer and dad wasn't sure about downloading it :(.

Creativity has been wonderful!! I love art and things like that and so this unit is really cool!! The montages that everyone has been doing have been amazing and it was really fun to make it :). I've enjoyed the different pictures and images that people have put in their montages and how they interpretate creativity. Nothing has been too difficult so far :)

Haha I'm not new!! :P What new learning environment? First I've heard of it.

I read feedback almost immediately, although replying it sometimes takes a little while... I do read other's work and learn from them - like how long to make the report sometimes!!!

Ok wow that was long!! :P

Holidays here I come!! :)
Rem :-)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another new baby goat!! I think I had a heart attack when this one was born because we had to pull it out. He was born at 10:30am today exactly and he's a boy and he's called Asha. When he was born he was in the wrong postion and so instead of his head coming out first his front feet tried to so I had to go get dad to help. Thats when I had the heart attack, running to get dad so the baby wouldn't die. After he came we repositioned it and pulled it out. It was also pouring and flooding so the baby took a while to stand up but it's all good now!! :-) heres a pic... Rem :-)
(sorry if I went into details there but I'm using this as my journal also so I can remember when the baby goats were born. :-)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

NEW BABY GOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snow had her baby!!!!!!!!
sorry that this post is so short but I want to go see him again now. He was born yesterday and I named him Buckminster because he's really cheeky! :-) My pig Strawberry likes him and treats him like her nephew. :-)

Here's a pic!

Rem :-)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Term reflection!!!!!!!! - HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

This term was Enterprise and I learned alot on how to create my own business which was cool, and how to advertise it. I think this was a good subject because it was interesting and will be usefull in later life when we start our own businesses. It was quite a long topic but it was sort of fun.
I wish the holidays came sooner though because when it's term time the days drag by but when it's holidays the days go whizzing past in a flash of light and you can't grab it fast enough so the term starts again!

Altogether I think that it was an interesting topic and I wonder what next term will be!

Rem :-)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

cousin from America!

Hi! my cousin from America says hi! She had to take a couple of planes (16 hours!) to get here (and watched 5 movies!) and she is staying with us in New Zealand for 2 months. Its gonna be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GTG am on library computer in picton.

Rem :_)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mud glorious mud!

Me and my bro went into the swamp yesterday and played in the mud there (with wetsuits on)! It was awesome because you can make a hole into the mud and half bury someone in there! But then of course they get stuck and you have to get them out! Then my piglet/half grown pig Strawberry came and we hid from her (by burying ourselves with mud) which didn’t work at all and just made us completely covered with mud! Then we um, face painted ourselves with mud and then went swimming in a pond that dad dug a hole in so we had clay for the pizza oven, which makes it really shallow on the sides, and really, really deep in the middle! But by then it was getting dark so we left and swam in the sea to wash some of the mud off (didn’t work) and when we got home we were still covered with mud and we somehow spread mud everywhere – on the doors, curtains, floor, walls, towels – luckily dad’s not here otherwise he’d have a fit! Anyway that was fun and I would DEFINITELY do it again!!!
Here's a photo of me covered in mud, it's not very good because it was dark though!

Rem :-)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

guinea pig hutch

Hi Guys!

Sorry I haven't been writing in my blog for a few days (weeks) but I've had nothing to put in it! So I decided that I would write anyway.

Guinea pig hutch: me and my dad are making a guinea pig hutch! Our old one that Vamp and her babies are in is falling apart! First dad told me to get a piece of paper and draw to scale a 1200 by 2400mm (millimetre) and find out how to arrange pieces of a guinea pig hutch onto it. I did that and now we are going to make it! We have to make it tonight because he is going to drive his boat to Wellington tomorrow and we won’t have enough time then.

Sorry but I have to go because it is really cold here and my fingers are too stiff and numb to write any more!

Rem J

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blenheim/ChCh day?

Are any of you guys going to the Blenheim or ChCh (Christchurch) days next month? Me and my bro are going to the Blenheim day but I'm not sure about the ChCh day. I'll ask on BB too.

The babies are doing good, they've already doubled their size again! They now weigh 160g each, and they weighed 90 each when they were born! They are called Po (the white one with patches over his eyes), Bandit/Mex (the striped one), and Tortie (the tortoiseshell one). I'm attaching a pic of Tortie.

Rem :-)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

NEW BABY GUINEA PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NEW BABY GUINEA PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vamp's had her babies!!!!!!!!! There are three of them and two of them are tortoiseshell and one is white with patches over his eyes! They are really cute and soft. They were born yesterday and they have already grown a third in size since then!

GTG its not a school day!


lalala... I'm so happy I could sing!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

New WWOOFers :-(

There are new WWOOFers arrrrrggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for my over-exaggerated reaction but mum or dad didn't even tell us they were going to come on the mailboat so when we came back to the house from playing round the place outside. It was like, whoah! there's random people in our house! And then we had to meet them and go through all the boring random talk that random strangers talk. Sorry if I'm a bit negative but in my opinion we have too many wwoofers and they get annoying after a while. (by the way WWOOF means Willing Workers On Organic Farms). The Telocom people that my bro was talking about came yesterday (just after he posted his blog!) and they fixed something but it wasn't the right problem! one of our freezers/fridges is down and we are doomed! not literally I hope but you never know...


Monday, April 26, 2010

kayak sailing!

The day before yesterday me and my bro Tas went kayak sailing! We tied small tarpaulins onto manuka sticks and tied them onto the kayaks. it wasn't very windy that day so we didn't go very fast but it was fun as! Nothing much else to report but I can't find a very good war song to put in my powerpoint presentation.

Rem :-)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

REAP day

The REAP day here was ok, because I didn't have to listen to dad's speech on alternative power and there was a person there who taught us how to tie knots and make bracelets and stuff like that. It was awesome! Today is the third sunny and fine day this week - yesterday was very cloudy and cold but Monday and Tuesday were beautiful like today! But there isn't enough wind to sail :-( or windsurf :-( :-(

Monday, April 19, 2010

Starting School!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi There!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so bored in the holidays that it's almost a relief to start school again!

News Update:

My guinea pig still hasn't had the babies but she's pretty big now and you can feel the babies inside her - the spine and head.

Tomorrow there is going to be a REAP day here! My dad is going to do a speech on alternative power (boring!) and why we chose it (even more boring!). For those of you who don't know, REAP is a group of people who do courses at different places to learn interesting things (sometimes) like alternative power stuff, rope knotting etc. REAP means Rural Education and Activities Program and there are 13 REAP's in NZ right now.

Now, moving on to something more interesting there were a pod of bottle-nose dolphins in the bay today! They stayed in our bay for about an hour then left, but not before they showed off they're awesome jumping skills!

Rem :-)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

best thing on bb this term:

I don't think the I have done anything really good on BlackBoard this term but if I had to choose I would pick the blog because it is fun and it is much better than writing down everything in a booklet learning journal. :-)

Signing off

Monday, March 29, 2010

pregnant guinea pig

My guinea pig Vampire is pregnant, she is due to have the babies around about next week! I'll send some pics when they're born. The only problem is that next week I'm going to Easter Camp 2010!! I hope that Vamp won't have the babies until I come back - and the week that I come back from Easter Camp is also the week that some of my brother's friends are coming to our house for a week so that's going to be busy! This is a pic of Vamp now - she doesn't look that fat because of her hair but really she's as wide as she is long!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rain! :(

Sup Blog,

It bucketed down with rain today and there was HUGE waves in the sea. We almost went kayaking but we decided not to because the waves had gone down heaps. Me and Tasman had to go to the mailboat but luckily it stopped raining just before we went down. There were actually people on the mailboat roof! It was amazing because it was really cold and it looked like it was going to rain again.

Signing off

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hi, here's a picture of one of my sketches.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Twig ate some more raw fish today!!! Which is weird because she's a 5 month old goat! This time it was raw groper liver! She's normally a vegetarian but she just loves raw fish and you have to literally drag her away from it when she starts! Here's a picture of Twig before she ate the fish - I didn't do one after because of the blood dripping down her chin and her breath smelling like fish :/ Twig also likes kayaking with me and swimming in the sea. Her ears are always like that - it's cute but she is the weirdest goat I have ever known.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

goal for this year

A goal for this year is that I'm not going to read more than 4 hours a day. That's really hard for me because I read more like six hours a day - I read while walking, eating, sitting, standing, etc. So I'm not sure it'll work but I'm going to try it!

Signing off,

Monday, March 15, 2010

First Post!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Blog,
Nothing is happening right now. Windsurfing is good and we bought another old board on trade-me plus two sails plus a mast plus a wishbone for $23.50!! They're old but still in good shape. It'll be fun sailing that one with our old one.
Learning experiences, hm, ok, none so far but I learned that it takes at least a week to send maths from Wellington to here. :P
That's all,
Rem, signing off